Roasting marshmallows and conversing late into the night around a fire pit is one of the best ways to bond with family and friends.
However, these moments may not be fun if you keep slapping off mosquitoes repeatedly when sitting in the yard. It’s no news that these pests cause so many diseases.

Are you wondering whether a fire pit can repel mosquitoes from your backyard? It depends. Some fire pits will automatically repel mosquitoes, while others have to undergo a few modifications first. To discover how to get rid of mosquitoes using your fire pit, read on.
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Do Fire Pits Keep Mosquitoes Away?
You may not like the smell from your wood-burning fire pit. The good news is, you aren’t the only one. Mosquitoes, too, can’t stand the pungent smell of smoke. When using a gas fire pit, this smell isn’t present.
Burning leads to the production of carbon dioxide, which attracts mosquitoes. Without the other pungent gases present in wood smoke to repel them, mosquitoes tend to attract outdoor fire pits. So, the simple answer to the question of whether gas fire pits can rid your yard of mosquitoes is no.
What Can I Put in My Fire Pit to Keep Mosquitoes Away?
When burnt, several plants and woods will repel mosquitoes and other bugs. The following are the types of firewood you can use to keep off mosquitoes:
This type of wood is readily available in Southwest U.S hence a good insect repellent within this area. Mosquitoes will tend to stay clear of your backyard with this wood. Interestingly, pinyon gives off a pleasant smell when used for heating or cooking in your backyard fire pit.
However, pinyon is a softwood plant; therefore, most people don’t usually use it as the primary firewood source. Still, it has one of the highest BTU ratings of 27.1 million. Plus, its characteristics somewhat resemble those of hardwoods.
It burns cleanly, thus a better option than pine, which has high pitch content.
This is one of the most effective woods to use as a mosquito repellent in your patio area. It contains the active organic ingredient eucalyptol/cineole. Many companies use this component in their insect repellents.
Eucalyptus also has a great smell and a very high BTU rating of 34.5 million for each cord. It is not ideal to use it indoors as it may cause creosote formation. However, it is a great way to get rid yourself of pesky mosquitoes and bugs from your outdoor living space.
Sage or Rosemary
These plants can be useful in keeping off mosquitoes and other flying pests. However, in a dry form such as herbs, they may not be as effective. Always get a fresh bundle for them to work.
Other herbs and plants you can try out in repelling mosquitoes from your garden include lavender and lemon balm.
Keeping Mosquitoes Off a Gas or Propane Fire Pit
You can use several substances to eliminate mosquitoes and other flying pests around a natural gas or propane fire pit.
a) Chemical Repellents
These repellants function by inhibiting some environmental factors that attract mosquitoes, for instance, vapor. Deet repellents are suitable for direct application on your skin. A few repellents are vegan.
Make sure you apply them far from your fire, as many contain flammable materials. Wait until they are dry before you can sit and enjoy them. These repellants may function for a few hours.
b) Electronic Devices
You can hang electronic devices such as a bug zapper near your backyard fire pit. The UV light attracts mosquitoes and kills them instantly. They also attract and kill other insects keeping them away from you and all the people around the fire pit.
c) Citronella Repellants
These include citronella wristbands and citronella candles. They emit a scent that repels insects. Candles will have wax and citronella oil mixed and will release the smell as the wax melts.
According to a study, a substance with 10% citronella keeps mosquitoes at bay for twenty minutes. So if this amount is lower, this method won’t be as effective as you’d wish.
d) Other Methods
Tea tree oil is also an excellent pest control solution for bugs, including mosquitoes. Still, you can use a bug spray as an insect repellent in your outdoor fire pit.
Several tiki torches can also help repel bugs from your outdoor entertainment area. You can get the best tiki torches deals from affiliate links on affiliate advertising programs. These will save you time and effort from delving into the internet. Alternatively, you can make a direct purchase from Amazon.
How to Minimize Mosquitoes in Your Garden
Homeowners can plant some flowers in their gardens to repel mosquitoes. Those in rented spaces can use the potted plant system to keep mosquitoes at bay. Good examples are catnip, basil, marigold, oregano, and lavender.
Mosquitoes get attracted to water sources since they act as their breeding grounds. Those with swimming pools should always clean and treat to make them unconducive for any breeding. Ensure to drain any standing water and refresh birdbaths frequently.
Does Smoke Keep Away Mosquitoes?
Smoke can get rid of mosquitoes and other flying insects. The smoke has fine particles which, together with some chemicals found in wood, make the environment unconducive for mosquitoes.
Furthermore, some specific wood types have unique components in them. These make them more effective as mosquito repellents than others.
Studies in the U.S indicate that smoke is a very effective way of repelling flying pests, including mosquitoes. It’s even a more efficient method compared to using mosquito repellent creams on your skin!
However, smoke will not wholly eliminate the risk of getting bit by a mosquito, but it is useful. Some mosquitoes get repelled more by smoke compared to others.
Do Gas Fire Pits Keep You Warm?
Yes, a gas fire pit can offer you warmth even in your backyard. Check the BTUs of your fire pit before purchase.
Natural gas pits have a lower BTU rating per unit compared to propane pits. If your natural gas fire pit has a similar BTU rating to a propane pit, it offers the same amount of heat. However, you will use more natural gas to get the same amount of heat you will get from a similar-rated propane unit.
Propane and natural gas fire pits usually range between 30,000 to 60,000 BTUs. A gas fire pit will, however, produce significantly lower heat compared to wood fire pits. For instance, if you burn beech in your wood fire pit, you can get up to 27.5 million BTUs. So, they are more efficient in an outdoor experience.
Do Gas Fire Pits Need to Be Covered?
Irrespective of the weather in your locality, the possession in our backyard will experience wear and tear. Your gas unit, if left uncovered, will experience oxidation, which results in rusting.
Therefore, you need to cover your gas fire pit to protect it against the elements while in the yard. Besides, covering your pit will prevent small animals like spiders from making webs within and destroying your unit. By covering your fire pit, you will minimize maintenance costs resulting from rusting, UV degradation, and pest damage.
Therefore, using a wood fire pit or burning certain substances in your firepit can help keep mosquitoes and other insects away.
You can also use things like bug zappers and chemical repellents to repel flying insects from your gathering space. It’s time for you, your family, and guests to enjoy your nights near the fire without bugs disturbing your business.
What new challenges are you facing as you try to stay warm in your outdoor area? Do you have any questions about backyard fire pits? You can contact us via our social media accounts or contact form and we shall get back as soon as possible.