Do Patio Heaters Work in the Winter?

  • by: Joshua Cooper
  • Reading time: 6 min.
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If you have a jacket and winter gear on and you’re still feeling cold on your patio, it’s time to rethink your heating strategy. The cold can ruin numerous outdoor activities.

Patio Heaters In Winter

Turns out, a patio heater has the power to turn your long cold night into a magical and fulfilling moment. Whether it is watching a movie with your family or finishing up some work, good outdoor heaters always deliver the warmth you require.

Yes, patio heaters are efficient in keeping you warm in the winter. They emit heat and infrared rays that heat your outdoor space comfortably.

Do Heaters Work in Winter?

Patio heaters are designed to draw their operating power from two fuel sources. These sources are either electricity or gas, which is either propane or natural gases.

When you strategically set up an outdoor heater in the winter months, you will get radiant heat. Both electric patio heaters and gas heaters emit radiant heat essential in keeping everyone warm.

Why is radiant heat so important in patio heaters? Well, this type of heat can travel through the air. Unlike normal heat, which stagnates in the air, it travels through the air keeping everyone around the patio warm.

Something that differentiates these heating systems is how they warm the air. On one side, only the objects and people who are in line will feel the radiant heat. On the other hand, space heaters transfer more of their warmth directly to the air, causing everyone to feel the heat.

Space heaters can also be used in the cold weather of the winter months. It’s true, there is a downside in that they take longer to warm all the patio occupants. For this reason, some of these heaters are designed to accommodate all night running without overheating.

The most efficient heater for this season is the outdoor patio heaters. This is because your garden’s air temperature doesn’t limit how they warm people directly in line with their radiant heat.

Additionally, these heaters are eco-friendly, meaning their emissions don’t pollute the air.

Types of Patio Heaters to Use Outdoor

If you are looking for a pocket-friendly yet efficient patio heater, consider the following:

Natural Gas and Propane Heaters

Do you want an insanely comfortable amount of heat from the heater you purchase? It would be best if you invest in a gas or propane patio heater.

The varying types of these outdoor heaters are designed for a specific type of natural gas to produce heat that warms small spaces. For instance, propane heaters are powered by propane.

Patio Heater Flame Burning

Propane patio heaters harness the energy, saving you money by using natural gas readily available. Consequently, most companies will hire a competent marketing team to share this information with potential clients.

If you pay attention to these advertisers, you stand a chance to work conveniently on your outdoor patio during the cold winter months when the temperature doesn’t favor other people.

It is also important to note that using gas heaters in a covered patio is not healthy. An alternative is using electric heaters.

Electric Patio Heaters

With the rise of heat technology, homeowners now have many options to pick from the different electric heaters models in the market. Each of these models has a specific design to handle a given amount of electrical power. You have an option to pick a patio heater that meets your needs without frustrations.

However, a gas or propane patio heater will warm your sitting area better than an electric one. The power generated from the natural gas heater’s fuel source is more than enough to keep you and your family warm.

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Heating Capacity

The heat of an electric patio heater is more comforting compared to that of a propane heater. Therefore, if you have young children in your family, this is a good device to have.

Although this type of heater produces gentle heat that is more comforting, it may not be effective in the cold seasons. In your search for an electric heater that will work in the winter, it would be better to buy the best heaters for the correct purpose.

For example, you can get portable tabletop heaters from a trusted website to serve you more efficiently once you place them closer to you, giving them a specific focal point.

Also, the electric heater is more effective if you have an indoor patio. You don’t have to worry about intoxication since the heater is more eco-friendly than propane heaters, which have more emissions.

If you have covered the patio built in your garden, you are in an advantaged position. This is because the heat generated will serve all needs inside the enclosure.

However, homeowners who have covered patios should avoid using gas-powered heaters. The frames can rise to a point where they easily get to a cloth and start a fire.

Infrared Patio Heaters

In your search for a convenient heater, have you come across a website that sells infrared patio heaters? This is another great option for you. Some of the safety features to look for in these heaters are tip-over switches and overheating protection.

Infrared patio heaters can be mounted on a wall for safety. One strategically mounted heater can provide warmth in an entire garden patio. The infrared technology used in manufacturing these devices helps them focus more on one object or person, warming it efficiently. Their design is eye-catching and beautiful to look at.

Using a Fire Pit

You can warm your patio using a fire pit. However, if you want to be on the safe side, you must understand how to operate the device’s different types.

First, without using some gasoline, start a fire with an appropriate starter. Secondly, don’t use a lot of wood or pile it to avoid dirtying the outdoor space in your garden with ash and burning pellets.

Having ash scattered all over your resting area is most likely going to cause discomfort. Additionally, ash is among the things that would trigger a cough if inhaled in excess.

If you have children, do not let them use or play near the pits. You can also buy screens to barricade it if you are using it in a windy season. On the upper side, you will not spend a lot of money on wood or charcoal in keeping patios warm.

Extinguishing Fire Pits

The other important thing to consider when dealing with heating devices has a strategy in place that can be used to extinguish a fire. Whenever you have had enough time in the area around your pit, put out the frames completely.

It would be best to use some of the manufacturers’ techniques, usually written on the menu. One way to do this is to use an extinguisher or pour water until there is no visible steam.

The Cons Of Using Pits

The disadvantage of using this method of heating is they require high maintenance. You have to inspect and clean the pit regularly. The ash and unburnt wood should be emptied regularly. This helps to avoid the frustration of having to empty it in the middle of a relaxing session.

If you use gas fire pits, you achieve a lot of things:

  • You reduce the stress of cleaning the unit
  • You save cash that would have been used in buying firewood
  • You don’t have to worry about running out of wood in the middle of the night.


In conclusion, patio heaters work in the winter. It doesn’t matter whether you want an indoor or outdoor patio.

All you have to do is visit some patio heater sellers and purchase one that fits your desired convection. The unit you buy should serve you well without polluting the environment.

Use the information from this article to look for a durable heater. Different spaces demand different heaters. So, make sure you heat your space appropriately.